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Vinslow Pantherwood
02 Jun 2011
Guildford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,0 cm chestnut wood and rougarou hair
Physical Description:
Almost black, short dark brown hair.
Big piercing blue eyes and an innocent-looking baby-face.
Average height.

Biography, Mental Description and Family Life

When the two big blue orbs that are Vin’s eyes widen and shine, you know something is about to go down.
The energetic and adventurous baby-faced boy was born to a couple of magical parents- Lyvia Haze, a low-class ministry worker and Arvin Pantherwood, a guard for a muggle cemetery.
Raised in the town of Guildford, Vin has three younger brothers Alvert, Travis and Vine.
Out of the four, Vin is most mischievous. Tormenting his younger siblings with his - usually - good-natured antiques.
Being a very perceptive and quick-witted boy, Vin has an innate talent to assess situations and the characters of people. Lying to Vin is a bad move. When Vin senses dishonesty in a person, you can almost hear the cogs turning in his brain as he plans a meticulous prank to put them in their place.
You will never expect those pranks, though, as Vin hides his conniving nature very well.
He does not, however, hide his dislike of people.
More than that, he will make sure to be mean-spirited and taunting to their faces. People don’t often expect the unexpected from someone who is so seemingly upfront and obvious about their feelings and intentions, therefore having a hard time connecting him to any ‘unfortunate’ whimsical situations he might have concocted for them.
With people he trusts and appreciates, Vin keeps pranks and mean-spirited taunts to a minimum - to the best of his ability.
He is a surprisingly non judgmental person, and a fantastic secret keeper(non-fidelius).

First Instance of Magic:
First Instance of underage Magic:
Made tea spill upwards when his father was attempting to pour himself a cup.