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Kashi Tores
30 Aug 2011
Tregoney, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
23,3 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
I have caramel skin, curly and puffy hair, and my eyebrows are slightly curved, I have golden earrings, and almost always wear a smile. I am 4'9. I make sure my robes are always clean and tidy, and almost all the time I have some sort of bandage, from tripping or another one of the adventures I enjoy going on.
My mental state is very good, I am happy with myself and I have not been struggling with much. My personality is normally very kind and respectful, but when I'm with friends, I am very much more chaotic and loud.
My mom was a pureblood wizard and my father was a Muggle. Therefore, I am halfblood. I have really kind and funny friends, they make me laugh a lot and did whatever they could to make me feel the best when I was down. I have an older brother, while we get along pretty good, he has never shown any interest towards magic and decided not to attend the school.
The first case I recall was when I was 8, at school. A girl was laughing at me because I failed to understand a question that she thought was too easy. I felt rage, but a different kind. A book had risen from the classroom library shelf and smacked her right in the face.