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Ash Lancaster
25 Dec 2011
Brimmingham, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,6 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
Black matted hair, with Green eyes and moderately tanned skin. He is eleven years old.
Average build and has a manufatured leg because his mother is a private potions master, who likes to test her potions in private as to not attract criticism from the public.
She was testing out her potions one day, when Ash was only 8 years old, she accidentally poured the miscellaneous potion on her son’s leg. He now harbours feelings of resentment and anger towards his mother because he was well-liked and always surrounded by friends in school.

Mental Description: My character is quite sane, thank you very much. However he has nightmares of how much it hurt for his leg, though the pain was for only a moment. He sometimes wishes that his family was back to normal, and he has been sent to rehabilitation, but only because of one practically vivid nightmare, which he woke up screaming with blood on his hands. (He accidentally banged his hand against his bedside table, which was rock-hard) But otherwise he is not a psychopath or anything like that.
He has trust issues with most of his family, and other children.
He sometimes wishes he could have a friend, at least one friend, again.

My character is a pure-blood, and he is eleven years old.And he was popular in his younger years. through he changed since his leg was cut off. He now harbours feelings of resentment and anger towards his mother because he was well-liked and always surrounded by friends in school, but then even through his friends turned out not to be true friends, because they were all mainly pure-bloods, and they had this belief about disabled people: “Anyone who is disabled is weak, and therefore not worthy of being my/our friend.” They all decided to ditch him (publicly in front of his mother) which was when he declared passionately, “I hate you!” to his mother. A wall of ice was built up bewteen them, mostly one-sided. (his side)

The last time he spoke to her was three years ago…

How he communicates with her, he uses his older sister (Aliza) as a mouthpiece, for example, “Aliza, can you ask HER to pass the pasta?” His older sister, Aliza is the only one he trusts in his family. He often confides in her. He doesn’t trust Jackson because he once caught Jackson stealing his antique one-of-a-kind wizarding chess set.
He has a kind family, his mother, (Estelle) and a father, (Tom) (but he is cold towards his mother) His family, unlike other pure-bloods, were kind to muggles, even adopting one, a young 7 month old called Jackson.
He is muggle-hating just to contradict his family.
First Instance of Magic:
On a sunny day in august, when he was seven years old, he was climbing a tree in his family’s 12-acre garden, and then his branch had the unfortunate luck, (or fortunate either way you put it) of snapping at the precise moment he sat down to relax.
He fell, but when he was falling, he closed his eyes and winced. Then he opened them and saw he was floating! He gently touched down. After he ran to his parents and told them all about this episode. (This was before “The Incident” as he heard his parents discuss anxiously.

I know Sen Ravenbow as a friend, but we are not the same person, through we live underneath the same roof.
What would you like us to do as the next course of action because I dont understand what I neeed to do in your letter. (pardon if I sound rude)