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Sen Ravenbow
05 Apr 2010
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
20,3 cm hornbeam wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: With messy white dyed hair (He kept on changing hair Colours and finally set on a colour) as clear as snow, He is quite nice. He has red eyes (contact lenses!) filled with warmth and he is average height. He usually wears when out of robes, a red jumper along with some jeans. He also sometimes wears headphones. He loves cozy clothing so tends to wear them.

Mental Description: Sen is a very friendly boy who can get shy but easy to be friends with. He is loyal to his friends and takes good care of his belongings. He can be a bit sensitive when it comes to his family. He has Dyslexia which makes him a bit slow to read, but he’s getting along.

Biography: As a young boy, Sen grew up in the Japanese countryside with his parents. He would play in the fields ans spend time with his family, his childhood was days of pure bliss. He has a father who works for a company and a mother who is self-employed. Since living in the wizarding world was a bit dangerous, they decided to live a normal life. They attended Hogwarts as well. They were successful and decided to give Sen the best life he could have! They didn’t want Sen to have a confusing life filled with all sorts of danger so they stopped using magic, and just..made it peaceful. They chose to keep the fact that he was a wizard until he was old enough to understand in case he blabbed it to any muggles or he would freak out. At the age of 10, he moved to England because his parents were going to take him to hogwarts a year later. when his parents revealed that he was a wizard. He was shocked yet excited. He lived currently in a large apartment near high street Kent in London. Before Hogwarts, Sen went to a school called Hindersnout school for boys, where he learnt to read, solve questions, and write.

First Instance of Magic: One clear day, in the neighbourhood of Sussex mews ,where he lived, in London, Sen was sitting in the backyard (he was 10 at that time) dipping his hand in the little pond which was built a few weeks ago. There were fish swimming. Sen suddenly realised that.. he was controlling the water, scooping up into the air, making a loop-de-loop and all! He hurried to his mother, who in return, told his father.