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Sara Arnez
20 Sep 2010
Kensington, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
28,7 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
Sara is a 4'10'' girl, so she is relatively short. Her skin is a shade of honey, her eyes dark brown. Her face is a diamond (almost literally, but it is just a shape) and she has cute cheeks that are always bright red, making her look like Strawberry Shortcake. Her chin-length, shiny and wavy hair is dark brown. Her teeth are healthy and nicely arranged, as you can see because Sara is often seen smiling.

Mental Description:
Sara Arnez is a quiet soul but at least she has some gumption. She always knows what to do in a particular situation, just give her a few seconds and she'll think of a solution for your problem. (Can you sense she is a therapist friend?) She is happiest when she is alone to contemplate the world, engaged with thoughts that are often at odds with conventional wisdom. In addition to that, Sara is mostly reserved, quiet and antisocial. She lives mostly in her head and doesn’t seem to have a need to connect, yet she has a few close friends that are enough to keep her happy and satisfy her need for human contact. She is gentle and sweet-natured and that's the reason so many people are drawn to her. Despite that, Sara is incredibly self-conscious. She can be flustered and not pronounce words correctly while talking to you, but that is just a reflection of her shyness.
She doesn't care what people think of her clothing or appearance, but when it comes to her personality, she doesn't try to flaunt who she is. She's very mellow until she truly gets to know people.

Sara was a child born to impoverished immigrant parents who were forced to give her to foster care. She was sent from family to family until she came to the right one. And that was family Starling. As Sara already had a surname (from her biological parents), they decided to leave it as it is. The adoptive family was adoring and affectionate, enabling Sara to connect to them and to feel loved and accepted. Except for parents, members of the family Starling are brother Charlie and cat Milo! ^^

First Instance of Magic:
Eight-year-old Sara was playing with her cat Milo in the backyard of her parents' house when she heard a loud "ouch", coming from their garage. Sara thought somebody was hurt and she was curious to see what happened, so she hurried to the garage. There she saw her brother who cut his finger while fixing their washing machine. She immediately ran to him and asked what happened. He explained everything to her and Sara automatically touched his wound, to see how deep it was. She was scared and wanted to help her brother, but didn't know how, so her "magic side" helped her. None of them could believe what happened next. The cut on her brother's finger healed, leaving no mark or bruise of the cut.
As you can see, Sara's first instance of magic was in line with her gentle nature.