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Noah Flood
06 Jun 2011
Bath, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,2 cm fir wood and snallygaster heartstring
Character Description

Mother: Dora Flood (née Lee)
Father: Benjamin Louis Flood
Biological Father: Thomas "Tommy" Park
Siblings: James Matthew Flood, Nathaniel Lucas Flood, Zachary Edward Flood

Appearance: A little above average height for his age, as he'd recently had a growth spurt. His hair is naturally black and thick, neatly cropped but often styled in a way that leaves it slightly longer to frame his face. One of his most obvious defining features is the smattering of freckles across his face. Chubby cheeks, full pink lips, and a slightly weak chin complete the picture. If one would look closer, they'd find he wears lingual braces to correct an imperfect fit.

Traits: earnest, optimistic, vivacious, finicky, melodramatic, naive, sensitive

As a child, Noah had always been happy and bubbly, sweet and curious. He was energetic in the way all children were, and often restless to the point of nearly bouncing off walls. This was often cured by allowing him time to explore in the local park, where he found a certain calm that didn't come to him easily anywhere else. The great outdoors were his playground and the place where he felt most himself.

This sentiment continued to prevail and indeed grew until he was almost more at home in a tree than his own bedroom. The thought of being stuck inside didn't appeal to him; being restricted to the boundaries he was set wasn't something he enjoyed. An independent streak had developed at a young age, and a relieved and doting mother had encouraged it and nurtured it until it became such that rules had to be phrased as a suggestion, or Noah would simply disregard it. He was spoiled and has yet to outgrow the entitlement of an only child, despite having not been one for some five years, now.

He's still rather gentle and prone to oversensitivity, and as such will avoid confrontation and prefers to be left to his own devices, rather than roped into leading or joining the herd. Rather than making waves, he simply creates his own path and tries his hardest at whatever task is set before him, alone. It's not that he dislikes people, because he truly enjoys being around the few likeminded individuals he's ever met. However, he does find it difficult to be concerned over any problem that doesn't immediately affect himself. After all, his own woes and quests are already time consuming enough!


Noah Lee Flood was born to Dora Lee and Tommy Park on June 6, 2011. They were young, barely out of secondary school, wholly unprepared to be responsbile for a new life. Worst of all, in the eyes of Tommy Park's parents at least, they were unmarried. This scandalous oversight might have been corrected were it not for the tiny detail that Dora Lee was assuredly not the sort they'd have for their future daughter in law.

The uncertainty of the first few months of Noah's life melted into years of weary struggle. Dora worked hard to support herself and her son, occasionally relying on the payments that came monthly from her former boyfriend's parents. She'd never seen Tommy Park since the day he told her that he'd be studying abroad at a university on the continent. It was fine, though; Dora loved her son very, very much, and knew that all the little sacrifices were well worth it.

One day, when Noah was about six years old, Dora met a man by the name of Benjamin Flood. Theirs was a fairytale story, a tale of true love at first sight. Ever since that wondrous day, Dora floated on cloud 9 and never wanted for anything again. As for Noah, he gained a true father figure for the first time in his short life and three new siblings.

Benjamin adopted Noah, and he was Noah Lee Flood from that day onwards.

Accidental Magic

It was his fourth birthday, and Noah wasn't happy in the slightest, which was so unlike him that Dora had found herself twisting her hands together on more than one occasion, desperately searching for something to placate the young boy. He was normally cheerful and energetic, but he'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed that morning and seemed determined to maintain his foul mood throughout the day.

"Look, Noah! Gram's sent along a little treacle, isn't that nice? I expect you'd like some, wouldn't you?" The bribe fell flat, and Dora panicked enough to cave. "Oh, I know! Let's open one of your presents a little early, hm? It's your birthday, after all, you don't have to observe any proper order, d'ya?"

This did rouse his interest, and a relieve Dora located the package that had arrived just that morning from his paternal grandparents. They were as present in Noah's life as could be expected, and his mum rather thought he might enjoy receiving something from them. Under her careful supervision, he tore into the plain wrappings with all the single-minded carelessness of youth...
and instantly, a great wail tore from his throat.

"No! No want! Socks! I hate!" The devastation of receiving such a loathsome gift was too much for the poor little lad, who promptly flung himself to the ground and wept. He'd slept poorly, he just wanted his ice cream and perhaps a new puppy, and a long, long nap. Not silly little socks with strange cartoons on them!

A sharp crack interrupted his cries and the pleadings of his mother, the shattering of glass shocking both mother and child into silence. The crystal vase that had sat on the little stand next to the sofa was now reduced to pieces, and the lovely weeds Noah had picked for Dora lay limp in the pool of water left behind.

"Oh, goodness!" The shock bled away to be replaced with great concern, for Noah had been laying on the floor in the direct path of some of the shards of glass that had launched into the air. She quickly gathered the bewildered boy into her arms and whisked him off to the kitchen, with promises of a sneaky bowl of ice cream that went a long way to easing the hurt feelings of the young boy.

Still, she wondered. How had such a thing happened? Was glass spontaneously exploding normal? These were questions to answer when there wasn't a temperamental birthday boy to soothe.