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Marilyn Franklin
Wizard born
Torquay, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,8 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: I have long blond hair and bright blue eyes. I am 69 inches tall.

Mental Description: I love to try new things and read books. I have read a whole book about Hogwarts and it is super cool. I know a lot about magic, and am so excited to actually do it at Hogwarts! Also, I like to play Quidditch at a field near my house. I additionally love to cook with my parents, and make homemade butterbeer.

Biography: My mom’s name is Amelia Franklin, and she studied at Hogwarts and now works for the Ministry of Magic. She is a Gryffindor. My dad’s name is Philip Franklin, and he met my mom at Hogwarts, and now also works at the Ministry. He’s a Ravenclaw. I have a younger brother named Charlie, who is 4 years old and is very playful. I love to travel to the beach and to London. I have a pet owl at home named Pipsqueak who loves to deliver messages everywhere, even to Ireland. His favorite food is mice, but he will eat anything you feed him.

First Instance of Magic: When I was only five, I accidentally turned a fork into a spoon when I was eating dinner with my family. I didn’t even notice until my dad said something. It was super funny.