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Finley Alekhin
21 Jun 2011
London, England
Third year, Ravenclaw
26,6 cm mayhaw wood and wampus cat hair
Physical Description: Finley has always wanted to stand out in life. At least in her attire choices. Since having brown hair and green eyes is fairly common, she has been convincing her parents to let her dye her hair for years now. At any given time she will have streaks of various colors strewn about her hair. In the summer she has freckles that will appear on her face, arms, and legs that get darker as the summer progresses than disappear during winter.

Mental Description: Like her parents, Finley finds herself very compelled to make those around her proud. She takes her time with everything that she does and has a tendency to get distressed when her projects, plans, and assignments don't turn out the way she expects them to. She occasionally will take on more than she can handle in an attempt to please everyone. Despite this, after a little bit of cheering up from her parents and friends, she gets over things really quickly. Finley is very self-confident and sufficient. She loves doing her own things when she wants to do them and loves freedom and responsibility in her own choices. All in all, she is a very competent, kind, responsible, but sometimes reckless child.

Biography: Despite having a wizard for a father, Finley was never really exposed to magic as a child. She has known it existed since she first preformed it at age five, but her father made it a priority to not use magic around her.
Calix, Finley's father, spends most of his time in the United States for his job as an anesthesiologist. He loves his daughter and finds as much time for her as he can. Whenever he is home he will pull her out of school for family trips to make the most out of their time together. He is an American born and raised and finds that he can make more money to better support his family by working in the US.
Lyria, Finley's mother, works as an executive chef at a high end restaurant in London. She was the main influence in raising her daughter, as her husband was always out of the country. She loves her family dearly and despite not being a witch, is very supportive of both her husband and daughter's special talents.
Finley has had a tight-knit group of friends from almost the moment she was born. First there were the twins as the group called them. Madison and Mason, children of her parents' best friends. The three of them might as well have all been siblings with how much time and baby pictures they have shared. Then there was Elijah, the boy Mason had started insisting joined them at around four when he got tired of playing dolls and princesses with his sister. And finally, there was Peyton. She had joined the group a little later, when all of them started preschool at around age six. Nonetheless, all of them were thick as thieves by age seven and nothing could tear them apart.

First Instance of Magic: A week or so after Christmas during her fifth year of life something magical happened. It was time for her father to return to his job in the US which meant a tearful and angry goodbye session outside in the bitter cold. Being a young child and not fully understanding why her father had to leave was hard for Finley. She always had fun while he was there. There were presents, and long car trips to fun places, and being able to stay up past her bedtime when her father was with them so why did he have to leave? The trunk of the car had just been closed and it was time for her mother to put her in her car seat for the drive to the airport. Her parents never left without her in the car, so if she wouldn't cooperate her father couldn't leave. Finley's mother called her but she didn't listen, defiantly she sat down in the yard. Having a schedule, her father came to pick her up and carry her but that just made her angry. Why did he want to leave her? What was so much better about where he was going then being here with her? So, as Calix had almost reached where she was sitting, a ring of fire surrounded Finley in the yard. It startled her so much that she immediately started crying as her father whipped a stick out and the fire was gone with no damage to the yard and no sign that the fire had ever been there. The incident wasn't really explained to her until much later in her life either.