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Athena Boot
25 Apr 2011
Essex, England
First year, Ravenclaw
33,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
Athena has pretty short and messy hair that is almost black. Her skin tone is medium dark and she has mossgreen eyes. She has freckles all over her face and she wears a pair of round glasses. She also has a necklace with a blue stone that she always wears. She got it from her aunt when she was little. She is neither skinny or overweight and she is the expected height for an eleven-year old, about 140 cm. She wears basic clothes, often without pattern, but they can be pretty colorful.

Mental Description:
Athena is pretty intelligent, atleast above average, and she values her mind very highly. She woudln't call herself brave at all, but she is ambitious. School is very important for her, and she has good grades, so she can somtimes find it hard to decide between her friends and her studies. She likes trying new hobbies, but the one she has stuck with are reading, videogames and mythology. Her favourite things to read are young adult fantasy novels and anything mythology related. She especially likes greek mythology. She doesn't like that you can't have electronics on hogwarts, because then she can't play videogames. Her favourite videogames are turn based strategy games. She has a few friends that she holds very close, but aren't very good at getting new ones. She is pansexual and her pronouns are she/her. She loves cats and birds, and want a cat as a pet to have at Hogwarts.

Athena grew up in a loving household with her parents and her younger brother. Her mom's name is Jenny Boot, and she is a witch. Her dad's name is Henry Boot, and he is a muggle. Her mother told her father about the magic world early int heir relationship, and he thought it was really cool. her father loves paranormal stuff and her mother always had to buy the daily ptophet for him. he also played videogames with Athena often. her younger brother's name is Jason, and he is two years younger. they have a good relationship but they can easily start fights.

First Instance of Magic:
Jason, her younger brother, showed signs of magic very early. She got very stressed out about it and thought that she maybe was a muggle, like her father. One time, when she was 9, she was studying for a test and felt really stressed, since she didn't think she would be able to learn everything in time. Suddenly she realised that the papers she was studying with was a bit smaller. They were shrinking! After ten minutes they were entirely gone. By that time she had got her parents, and everyone was really excited. it had been one of the best days of her life.