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Marcela Clark
Wizard born
03 Jul 2011
Bristol, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: A natural blond, Marcela's striking blue eyes and pale skin made her stand out just by being a pile of recessive traits. A petite frame and angular features seem to have come from her mother's side of the family

Mental Description: Marcela is a happy-go-lucky child, with a rather storybook childhood she has no internal demons or memories haunting her.

Biography: Marcela's parents wished for a child for many years before finally being graced by their only child's presence. This also made them much older than the other parents of children Marcela's age. This didn't seem to bother young Marcela, she was just happy to have her parents attention focused solely on her. Both Peter and Frieda Clark came from magical parentage, so it was no surprise when their daughter showed signs of magic at a relatively young age.

First Instance of Magic: It happened when Marcela was five, and Frieda had taken away the tin of cookies that Marcela had been happily munching on. When Frieda walked out of the kitchen, having stowed the chocolate chip cookies away safely out of little Marcela's reach it had enraged the child. Instead of the tantrum that Frieda was expecting, she heard one surprised gasp from the living room. She rushed back into the kitchen to be greeted by the sight of Marcela sitting on the kitchen floor, cookie tin in hand and a huge grin on her face.