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Aaliyah Quinn
14 Feb 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,6 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical description:
I go by the pronouns she/her. Until a few months ago, I had hair that went down to my waist but then I cut my hair to about half-way down my neck. My natural hair colour is black but I've been wanting to dye the ends dark blue. I'm half-Indian and half-Spanish but I've lived in London my whole life. My eyes seem black but they're really just dark brown and my skin colour is a sort of darker tan. I'm relatively tall for my age at 5'0''.

Mental Description:
I generally keep to myself but I love spending time with other people. I rarely initiate a conversation but once I'm in one, i joke around and enjoy myself more. Since I'm from a pureblood family, I've always had to be 'mature for my age' and had to get good grades, so people say I'm smart. I'm extremely competitive and I've always loved any type of sports. I'm very protective of my friends and will be selfless in any situation.

Both of my parents came from uptight pureblood families. My father, who is Spanish, works as an Auror and is now thinking of retiring to a less challenging career. My mother however, who's from India, has always loved helping people and so works as a healer at St. Mungo's Hospital. I love both my parents but since their jobs are both so taxing, they're hardly around. They both settled down in London and had my older brother, me and my younger sister. All three of us were homeschooled through loads of tutors and we were taught the basics of the magical world. My older brother, Mal, is more quiet and is obsessed with reading but he's honestly fun to talk to otherwise. My younger sister, Nazeera, is the total opposite of both of us: she's the most extroverted person I know and would break anything called a rule (it's rubbed off on me).

First instance of magic:
When I was around 8, me and a girl who was my mum's friend's child, were painting at home when she told me that mine sucked. I got upset and then her water pot beside her painting toppled over, ruining her work. I felt bad but it was completely by accident.