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Damien Sharp
11 Aug 2011
Castle Bromwich, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
24,4 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Damien is 4’8” with Medium brown hair and Brown eyes. He is ethnically welsh with French blood due to his French Grandmother. Has face Acne and his right arm is a bit smaller than his left due to being born early. Due to that he is left handed.

Mental Description: Damien is quiet and unassuming. He prefers music over people but with those he considers friends and family he is quite possessive over.

Biography: Damien was born with a single muggle mom. His magical Father died a few weeks before he was born due to him being too reckless near a dragon as he was a tamer. He never met his dad’s side of the family due to the Father being disowned as a Blood traitor from his minor Pureblood family. His mother never knew her husband was magical and as such when Damien was born due to stress and grieving it was at a Muggle hospital. His right arm was shorter than the left because he was born earlier than his due date by 3 months. Although he showed magic at 3 the family never had a way to pursue this until the Hogwarts letter came in. He is starting magical treatment for his smaller arm at this point in time.

First Instance of Magic: At Damiens Grandmother on his mom’s side house there lied a Piano that was never in use. Damien always wanted to hear the piano play but no one in his family could play the piano. His grandfather who had bought the piano was dead. It did not deter 3 year old Damien though and with anger and magic he made the piano play without him getting up and touching the keys himself.