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EmmaLee LeDames
Wizard born
21 Mar 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
Third year, Duellist, Hufflepuff
32,2 cm hornbeam wood and thunderbird tail feather
Physical Description: I am 5' and thin with long, curly, white blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. I have a spattering of freckles across my nose that my mother calls my own, personal Milky Way.

Mental Description: I enjoy singing, dancing, cello, and cooking. I also like animals and strawberry thing. I am sweet and fiercely loyal.

Biography: I grew up in the south of France in a teeny tiny town. We were the only wizards in town and my mother was a herbalist and well known shopkeeper in town. She became well known as someone you could go to for advice and someone who seemed to know what was going to happen before it did. One day when I was 8, a man came, Victor LaChance. He married my mother and he took us to America. When I was 10, his business took him to Scotland and so I am here.

First Instance of Magic: I hate moving. I hated moving from France and I hated moving from America. When we first moved, I hated everything about Scotland as well. After we arrived, my mother tried to take me to the beach to cheer me up. It was an alright day on a secluded part of the beach until I was walking along the shore and a giant wave drenched me in water. I was completely soaked through in seconds. I screamed in anger and a near by rock exploded. My mother said that it was a miracle that no one else was around to be hurt or see it.