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Bellatrix Rosewood
16 Dec 2011
London, England
Third year, Hufflepuff
34,6 cm ash wood and thunderbird tail feather
My character is tall. She is a girl and her name is Bellatrix Rosewood. She has a unique colour of hair, a Reddishy - Gingery colour. Her eyes are green. She is a very smart character and very kind too. She fits all of the houses at Hogwarts' description. She loves to read and her favourite spell is "Expecto Patronum!" She has light skin and a friendly face. Her hair is almost always done up in a ponytail. Sometimes though, if it is a very special occasion she will have her hair done up in a plaited bun.

Her first instance of magic outside school and without a wand was when... One day, as Bellatrix was running round an empty field, she tripped over a sharp piece of metal just lying on the ground. She took a deep breath and braced herself to hit the ground. To her surprise, falling didn't hurt! She looked down and was shocked to see the grass had knitted itself like a blanket underneath her; stopping her from hitting the ground. As she stood up, she thought she felt the grass give her a little nudge to help her up. Quickly, she looked around to make sure no one was watching, and whispered "Thank you" to the grass. She ran home and told her mum what happened. She was so happy!

Bellatrix's birthday is December 16th 2009. Her mum is a witch and part of the ministry of magic while her dad is a muggle. (His job is a police officer.) She only got told about her mum's magic when she showed them Silver. Her best friends in muggle primary school were called Aimy, Olivia, Joy, Emma and Denise.