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Ramzy Rossi
01 Dec 2010
Kensington, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,7 cm hornbeam wood and dragon heartstring
General Information:
Name: Ramzy Alanis Rossi
Nicknames: Ram, RAR, Alanis, Remmy, Ro
Birthday: December 01, 2010
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Questioning
Relationship Status: Single
Blood status: Half-Breed
House: Hufflepuff
Residence: Rossi's Beach House, Kensington England
Diet: Vegan
Nationality: English
Personality/Mental Description: Ramzy is easy to be able to open to experience, a very open-minded and experimental gal, could be seen as a bit of a workaholic as Ramzy prefers a well organized and precise day to day schedule. While some might say she is reserved and avoids direct leadership roles, other will say that when Ramzy is put in a certain position, it is definitely easy to see that she is very outgoing and loves to work with others. Unlike most of her family members, Ramzy is very eager to please, good natured and will always prefer cooperation over competition and conflict. Ramzy has natural reactions to conflicts, however, being resilient and calm in some situations but can also experience negative emotion reactions and feelings of anxiety.
Major character defining traits: Talkative, energetic, people-person, hardworking
Dislikes: Being shut out, hate crimes, her middle name, negative conversations
Likes: Hot Chocolate with latte cream, listening to music, hanging out with friends
Hobbies: Swimming, Cooking, Studying

Overall Look:
Height: Average stature
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Ginger
Build: Petite, Small-Framed
Features: Freckles across the bridge of her nose heavily and lightly spread throughout her face
Scars/Marks/Piercings: Pending...
Style: Ramzy has a very casual attire when out of her Hogwarts Robes, usually consisting of jeans and a nice blouse on a normal day. Sundresses on a bright day, or even fluffy sweaters to keep the bite of the cold away.

Extra Extra Read All About It:
Wand: 23.7 cm Hornbeam wood and Dragon heartstring
Boggart: Pending...
Riddikulus: Pending...
Patronus: Pending...
Amortentia: Pending...
Mirror of Erised: Pending...
Favorite Magical Class: Pending...
Sweets: Refuses to eat candy
Ice Cream Flavor: Coffee, preferably latte flavored
Creature: Pending...
Instrument: Plays the piano fluently
Favorite Magical Sport: Anything but Quidditch
Game: Wizarding Chess
Spell: Wants to master the "pending..." spell
Potion: Pending...

Father: Alan Rossi (Gay) OOG/NPC
Father: Stephen Rossi (Gay) OOG/NPC
Mother Figure: Carrie Grace OOG/NPC

History Time
Alan and Stephen, two wizards who finally took a stand for their relationship. Their family has always been against their community and claim that they were a sin to the family. However, that didn't stop them, they kept fighting for what they loved... for each other.

The Rossi Family:
Meet the Family
Alan Rossi; A tall slender ginger with dazzling blue eyes and a smile to die for. Alan Rossi is Ramzy's first father, he's the more strict parent figure out of the two. Whatever he says usually goes, however, that didn't stop Ramzy from getting away with a few things as she would easily look towards her other father for the approval.

Stephen Rossi; An average size brownie with hazel eyes and cute little dimples that were constantly making an appearance. Stephen Rossi is Ramzy's second father. He's the more playful parent figure as he would always be the first to try and get Ramzy to do fun (but sometimes dangerous) activities her first father wouldn't approve of. Ramzy usually stuck by Stephen's side as he came off more friendly and gentler than Alan.

Carrie Grace; An average size blonde with brown eyes, she wasn't Ramzy's mother but instead her nanny. If you couldn't tell by now, Ramzy's fathers are gay and she's okay with that. Carrie is someone Ramzy would consider to be a mother figure when her dads couldn't help with any female issues she was going through, Carrie was there to assist. Carrie has been working for the Rossi since Ramzy was about two years old, Ramzy basically considers her apart of the family.

How Ramzy came to be:
Who is Ramzy's birthmother if she has two dads?"
Ramzy was never allowed to learn about her "mother" as she was only paid to carry her for her dads. Ramzy didn't mind too much but sometimes she wonder if she's seen her before or if the lady even thought about her. Ramzy could easily point out what features she obtained from the birthgiver and who decided to be the dominant parent. She received her ginger hair from her father Alan along with his dashing smile, however, everything else seems to come from the lady. Her brown eyes, her freckles that splashed across her face, her height and body shape. Ramzy learned quickly not to ponder over the thought of the mystery lady as the topic always seem to make her fathers upset and regretful and make Carrie stutter out excuses about not knowing anything.

See how Ramzy's Life is going
Birthday: December 10th, 2010
Age 0 Ramzy Rossi is born
Age 1 Ramzy and her fathers moved from England to France to be away from their toxic family
Age 2 Carrie Grace (Ramzy's nanny and go to "mom") has been hired to help assist the Rossi family
Age 5 Ramzy starts homeschooling, where she learns a tad bit of French and the basics of the wizarding world.
Age 7 Ramzy's family moves back to England so she can stay connected to her roots. Ramzy also picks up a piano class something that help clear her mind in the future.
Age 10 Ramzy learns about the wizarding world in a finer detail and her family history.
Age 11 Pending...

First Instance of Magic:
Ramzy was about seven years old when she stood in the middle of the hallway of her family's beach house with her small hands pressed as tightly as she could against the tiny shapes of her ears. However, the voices of her fathers Alan and Stephen could still be clearly heard going back and forth with each other. Ramzy didn't know what they were exactly arguing about and quite frankly she was probably too young and naive to understand. SMASH Glass could be heard breaking against what must of been the wall from the banging that could be heard right after. Tears flowed from her eyes frightened she didn't know what to do, Carrie had left to head into town for some errand-running and it was honestly very rare for her fathers to fight like this. Terrified she took a small step forward to the oak door of the bedroom which her fathers stood behind, step after step she continued to take with her ears still covered to the best of her abilities before she was face to face with the only thing stopping her from being face to face with the madness. Her hands shook as she managed to move one of them off her earlobe and up to the doorknob. The handle squeaked before it gave way to the turning, the sight of her father Alan with a tomato red face poking Stephen roughly on his chest as Stephen tried to hold his ground, scared Ramzy even more. "Papa!" Ramzy screamed, the windows to the bedroom flew open as a gust of wind circled the room, the candles that were scattered around the rustic design setting flickered for an instance as if they were fighting against the harsh blow of the wind before they lost the battle and the room fell dark, most importantly the room fell silent. Ramzy could hear a soft voice whisper the light enchanting spell before the tip of a wand glowed and all three figures could be seen in the room, just staring at each other. Laughter... laughter was the next thing that filled the air, Ramzy was confused, why was her father laughing? Hands grabbed her waist and lifted her into the air as the two of the men chanted that she did it, their baby girl was going to be a witch... Ramzy thought a bit to herself, 'me? a witch?'

My character is based at the age of 11 with the birthdate of December 01, 2010 in preparation of the wizarding "Summer Camp" and for the Sept. semester NOT the semester ending on June 30th as I have no means of finishing by then. Thank you!