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Sarah Chatham
03 Jul 2010
Ilkeston, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,8 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Sarah has blonde hair that reaches just above her shoulders, though every attempt that she has ever had to let it grow out has failed and she has ended up begging her mother to cut it again, her eyes are a blue that her parents always tease her about as they say that they are like the sky on a warm summers day

Mental Description: Sarah has always been cheerful, even as a young child, she was known for being able to bring a smile to the face of everyone that she met, and that certainly never disappeared. She can be shy whenever she first meets someone but give them a short time to get to know one another and she will soon be talking their ear off

Biography: She has always been close to her parents, they always called her their little ray of sunshine from the moment that she was old enough to speak and walk, she was following them around constantly. She had many friends throughout her young childhood but none of them seemed to stay and that was fine by Sarah, she was happy enough with the company of her family

First Instance of Magic: Sarah distinctly remembers the first time that she performed magic, she was in one of her very few and far between bad moods and had stormed up to her bedroom, the second that she'd started to drift off to sleep to forget about the argument, a book had flown in her direction, narrowly missing her face, she'd glanced around to see whether or not someone was there, thinking that perhaps they had thrown it at her, but no, there was no one there. She had rushed downstairs to tell her parents, the argument long forgotten