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Gisela Estep
23 Sep 2009
Merton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,2 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Brown skin with dark brown hair thats always getting in her matching black/brown eyes. She loves wearing her chunky jewellery and is of average height.

Mental Description: Very bubbly and a little bit of an air-head despite being very academically inclined. She is very loud around those who she's comfortable with and values loyalty, she's also very intuitive about people and great at people reading.

Biography: Little Gisela was born to an opulently wealthy family who essentially owned the richest city in her region. One day her family lost all of their wealth and in an attempt to gain a fresh start they moved from Scotland to England and became farmers to make ends meet. Gisela ultimately discovered that she was much happier living a simpler life and forged a deep connection to nature. She was always surrounded by family who became close after the loss of their wealth, specifically her older and younger brothers. Gisela never really had many friends, but had one best friend whom she is close with to this very day.

First Instance Of Magic: Gisela's first instance of magic was not necessarily positive, in fact it could be said that the loss of her family's empire was her fault. As it may have happened whilst her mother's evil business partner was plotting to out her mother of their vastly successful fuel empire, Gisela's got a bit too angry whilst uncovering this plan and accidentally set one of the warehouses alight. This tarnished the reputation of the business and drove it into the ground. Gisela was eight years old, but its okay her family were so shocked that their daughter was a witch that they easily let the destruction of their livelihood slide.