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Ruben O'Lee
15 Apr 2011
Wexford, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
23,8 cm mayhaw wood and kneazle whiskers
Physical Description: Ruben is tall and broad-shouldered, standing at 5'0. He has a freckly face and greenish hazel eyes, but they're usually hidden behind his messy auburn hair. Most distinguishing though, is his wide, cheeky smile.

Mental Description: Best word to describe Ruben? Softie. He has a huge heart and cares deeply for the people around him. He tends to have an easy time making friends, being rather charming. He enjoys playing the jokester of his friend group, but never makes quips at other's expense.

Biography: Ruben is the youngest in a large family, having five older siblings. His childhood was fairly average, growing up in the city of Wexford. The family lived there his whole life, the house having been passed down for a few generations. His parents weren't super rich, but financially stable enough to live happily and support their children. The family was full of love, especially for little Ruben, who came as a bit of a surprise. The family wasn't expecting another child, but a few months after his parent's anniversary, the doctor reported otherwise. Jules and Liam O'Lee delivered their third baby boy, who they claim was born with a smile on his face. Unfortunately, their house wasn't very big, so he had to share a room with his brother, who was two years older. (In fact, only their firstborn Sarah got a room to herself. The other four siblings had to bunk together in pairs.) Alright, that about covers family dynamics. As a child, Ruben loved to talk. He would tell stories about fantastical adventures that he definitely went on. He had a tendency to point things out about people that he found interesting. Mostly, though, he loved the outdoors. He loved going on walks near the waterfront in his city, finding new animals and plants to learn about. Luckily, his mother was a biology teacher at the local high school, so the two had plenty to talk about. Once he was enrolled in school, he began developing an interest in sports, especially soccer. He was on the school team, and he could play quite well. Average grades, average hobbies, normal family

First Instance of Magic: When Ruben was eight years old, he stormed out of the house after an argument with one of his siblings. It was the first time he had left the house on his own, and he went to his favorite spot near the waterfront. It wasn't too far from home, and it seemed like a good spot to go in his little mind. When he arrived there, he sat by the water to watch the frogs. That always made him feel better. He leaned in for a better view.. closer and closer, until he lost his balance and fell right in. Luckily, he knew how to swim. But he didn't feel the urge to swim up. He felt safe. He felt like he was welcome there, and he opened his eyes. It was shocking, realizing that he could see perfectly clear in the usually murky water. He could see frogs, fish, and all sorts of other creatures he never even knew lived in these waters. Then he noticed something else; he was breathing normally. As if he was above water, breathing refreshing breaths without a problem. It was the most wonderful thing he had felt, but he decided that he needed to get home before dark and clambered his way back to shore. As he surfaced, he spotted his father who had come looking for him. His father was in shock, seeing his son crawling out of the muddy water, but was even more shocked to see that he was completely dry, clean, unharmed. Before this instance, there had been no signs of magic in the family, not ever. Ruben would be the first ever in the O'Lee lineage, and nobody knew it yet. Not until he received a strange letter in the mail.