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Leon de Luca
Wizard born
20 Jan 2010
Southampton, England
Second year, Slytherin
28,9 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
profile picture picrew :)


Physical Description:

Leon is tall for his age, around 5'4, with a spindly, slight frame. His clothes tend to be baggy, hanging off of him and making him appear even scrawnier than he actually is. He's not very physically strong, all skin and bones, but he's extremely agile and surprisingly graceful for someone of his lankiness. The boy has a habit of sneaking up on people by accident simply because they never hear him coming up behind them. He has very pale porcelain skin with a pinkish tint, and he burns very easily - one of the many reasons he prefers to stay indoors where the sun can't reach him. His light brown hair is oily and flat, and when he lets it hang loose, it goes down about an inch past his chin. However, Leon usually keeps it in a bun or a ponytail. He's been growing it out for a few years, as when it's too short, there's no way to keep it out of his face, and when it's cut even shorter than that, it feels far too light. In his opinion, this is the easiest solution. He has murky green eyes and wears wire tea shade glasses due to being nearsighted.

Mental Description:

Leon, upon first meeting, tends to come off as unfriendly or even rude. His very formal way of speaking, blunt attitude, and general lack of shown emotion can be very offputting, leading people to avoid him. The truth is that Leon is simply not good at interacting with people. His emotions are very private, and rarely displayed on his face. He relies far more on logic and reasoning than his feelings or instincts, and it seems strange to him that other people don't do the same. He has an extremely blunt attitude and always says things exactly how they are, and he doesn't understand why some people seem to find that offensive. All he's doing is telling the truth. He is not the kind of person to lie to someone to spare their feelings, and those kinds of people are actually a pet peeve of his.
Leon's main strength - and the trait that he defines himself by - would be his intelligence. He loves knowledge, all kinds of it, and has been known to stay up past midnight reading and coming up with theories and even just thinking to himself. He's an avid reader, and books of all kinds are very dear to him, be they fiction or nonfiction. He also enjoys writing and drawing and has several full sketchbooks and journals tucked away in his trunk. He considers this trait to be most of his personality because he's really not sure what he is besides this. The way he sees it, a person is defined by the way they act, and all of his actions are determined by logic.
However, he does have traits aside from this, even though he doesn't see them. Leon is a very hardworking and determined individual, and when he sets his mind to a goal, nothing will stop him. He also has a very creative imagination and can spend hours just daydreaming, although most of the stories he comes up with stay very private. They're very personal to him. He's also been told he's "mature for his age" because of the way he thinks, but he doesn't really see it. It's just the way he's always seen the world, no different than from when he was just old enough to walk.
The second thing the boy defines himself by is the one thing he's obsessed with - birds. Leon knows just about everything there is to know about both magical and nonmagical birds, and many of his sketchbooks are full of all kinds of detailed drawings and diagrams of the birds he's seen. He has a special sort of connection with all animals, finding it far easier to interact with them than other people, but birds are his favorite. Should he look into the mirror of Erised, Leon would most likely see himself with a pair of huge feathered wings. He's often daydreamed about soaring through the sky on wings of his own. His main goal in life is to become a magizoologist, and perhaps a bird animagus, although that's a discussion for the far future.


Leon has a relatively large family, with three older siblings and two moms. Everyone in his family is a wizard, with his oldest brother graduating from Hogwarts just a year ago, and the middle two being students in their fourth and fifth years. His family runs a small farm in Southampton, and he's always had a strong connection with the animals they kept. They weren't nearly as judgemental as people were. He was homeschooled for all of his childhood, and his family is fiercely protective of him, to the point where it can get a little overbearing. Still, they love him, and he's more comfortable at home than he is anywhere else. Going to Hogwarts now is going to be his first time at an actual school, being taught by people other than one of his mothers.

First Instance of Magic:

Leon's first instance of accidental magic was when he was nine. He'd been looking up at the trees, admiring the birds, and he'd wished he could be up high and flying with them. A split second later, he was standing on the roof of the barn. It might've been a more pleasant experience had it not taken him a full two hours to get down.