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Elias Holloway
23 Nov 2009
Worcester, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,2 cm alder wood and white river monster spine
Physical Description: Elias has prim white hair. All short except for 2 medium length strands in the front. This may be placed into braids when it gets in his face. Deep black eyes eyes. All white casual clothes. Dress pants, buttons ups, cardigan. Elias' grandmother had albinoism, as both Elias' parents were carriers of that recessive of that trait. Though Elias looks weird on family photos, both parents understand the logic.

Mental Description: Outwardly he is extremely formal. Perfect posture, a shining smile, simply everything you'd want out of the boy you'd bring to your parents. Running after an image of perfection. When you get to know him he's insecure. What is he doing? Is it okay?

Biography: Living a rich, sheltered life. Elias has walked miles in his mansion but barely a foot outside. Homeschooled, Piano lessons, Chess tournaments, 3 Michelin stars food. Life spent on an endless music box loop. It sings of a song of loneliness.

First Instance of Magic: Chess is a competitive game. People don't rage and flip tables over the nearly 1,500 year old game. People manifest, think overly, practically diagnose your competition with what moves they'll take next. Elias sits across a man half way to a century old. The man is thinking about his next move, what could a 10 year old do? He makes a special move. Illegal by no means, however special none-the-less. Elias stares at the man's pawn. Hoping it to disappear; to turn to sand and become one with the ocean. The board begins to shake. Then a blink and you miss it moment all the pieces fall but the pawn still remains. They both stand there shocked, speechless. The man breaks the silence to call for Elias' mother.