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Mary Wolfheart
Wizard born
28 Nov 2009
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
22,8 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Stands at about 4'2, short brownish-reddish hair, greenish eyes, black glasses, skinny but not underweight, and longish legs pretty average weight for someone of her size about 100-110

Mental Description: Suffers from PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder (no SH), ASD, Anxiety, has learned multiple coping skills and has a service cat named Pip-Squeak lives a semi-normal and functional life has a short temper, and has anger issues but has learned some self-control usually happy but is Pronto meltdowns when angry and or scared or if things are out of order or a big change in normal routine occurs

Biography: not a lot of friends just a close few. Was always picked on for being "weird and different." Loving mom NO dad (er at least not one I wanted to acknowledge and did not live with.) has learned to be brave a strong because of her cruddy father she has also sworn to be a loyal and protective friend who will gladly listen to any and all problems she may have been known to be motherly and caring at their old school was raised knowing about magic

First Instance of Magic: had a moment of anger and a chair set fire the fire went out once the girl calmed down mother was taken aback but knew her daughter was a witch just like her