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Sinead Callaghan
20 Aug 2010
Cork, Ireland
Second year, Slytherin
20,1 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
I am French. Therefore, do not hesitate to point out some grammatical errors, which will increase my knowledge of the English language. :)

Physical Description: Sinead has long and slender legs, a beautiful head bearing, a noble, elegant and smooth face, a luminous complexion. She always stands straight as a post, has a discreet chin and a square jaw, full and laughing lips, an aquiline nose.
Her gaze is expressionless, inquisitive; and she, polite and courteous without ever-smiling, looks very mature.
Dress Style: Mainly her school uniform, dresses and skirts, and almost no pants. She often wears color and patterns, but she also knows how to stay basic with plain and more neutral clothes.
Distinctive signs: Her cheeks are always rosy, they can turn red due to a situation or the bite of the cold. Sinead is a Venetian blonde.

Mental Description: Smart, interested, passionate about what she does, Sinead often does good work, always doing her best. She is also verry ambitious.
Sinead is empathetic, but a calm young girl (however, sometimes she can be overwhelmed by her emotions or by the world). She listens without saying a word. However, she is very lonely.
Polite, delicate and caring, and distinguished, Sinead is in many respects a reflection of her parents and her social level.
Sinéad is passionate about chess and reading, then, very quickly, writing, from a very young age.
Qualities and faults: Gentle, receptive, diplomatic, enterprising, passionate, efficient, empathetic. Impatient, manipulative.
Doubts and fears: Abandonment, rivalry. Not being the best.

Biography: Sinead was born in Cork, in the country of redheads, rain and nature, a solitary country, a country still partly free from Muggle faults.
If she was born into a family of sorcerers attached to traditions, she nevertheless enjoys unparalleled freedom in the country, loving to walk in the middle of nature. Soon she learned to read, then to write, and finally to play chess. All this she learned before entering Muggle primary school. She was diagnosed as High Potential by a psychologist, then by a psychiatrist. Gradually, she devoted herself to writing.
Sinead remained very solitary, and did not really make friends during her childhood.
When she left for Hogwarts, Sinead took with her a multitude of happy memories and unfinished texts, ready for seven long years of study in the famous school of magic...

First Instance of Magic: When she was eight years old, Sinead discovered her magic by making flower petals fly while she was writing a poem.