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Finius Allred
08 Aug 2010
Belfast, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
31,0 cm chestnut wood and jackalope antler
Physical Description: He has redish brown hair with green eyes, glasses and freckles. He is a bit lanky and tall for his age. Has a 0ne inch vertical faded pink scar in the middle of his forehead where he was hurt in a playground accident when he was 5. When not in uniform he tends to wear dark solid color clothes that he is constantly growing out of.

Mental Description: Shy and introverted, open to new friends but doesn't actively look for them or try and conform to make them. He avoids dangerous situations that most kids seem to run towards like climbing tall things and jumping gaps. He thinks he is more mature for avoiding dumb risks and thinks most kids his age are a bunch of danger seeking idiots.

Biography: Second child but the oldest son out of four siblings, enjoys reading books and ignores most things people talk about unless it's to him directly. He grew up homeschooled by religious conservatives and in church. He has an amazing tenor singing voice and ear for harmony but is usually too shy to show it off, prefering to sing harmonies in the background rather than the lead.
Was never physically bullied but often gets embarassed in social situations where his sheltered upbringing has lead to misunderstandings. He usually tries to escape from his negative thoughts through fantasy books and cartoons. He feels like he's missed out on most of the normal childhood experiences in his muggle life and he is afraid of missing out on the new experiences offered at Hogwarts. He wants to use this chance to live his new life to the fullest, if he can get past his insecurities.

First Instance of Magic: He was uncharicteristictly persuaded into laying on the ground while a friend was about to try a so far unsuccessful skateboard kickflip over him. It then started raining out of nowhere so hard that everyone started running home and cover. He just sat in the rain grateful for the strange randomness of the short storm... He had always liked the rain and didn't mind getting a little wet. A week later he received his letter to hogwarts.