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Skraele Valasse
13 Mar 2010
London, England
Third year, Hufflepuff
30,9 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: A wiry, emerald-eyed redhead that stands at four and a half feet. Contrasted with pale skin and freckles, her appearance gives an aura that might aptly match her personality. Frequent activity, with a love of sports and adventure, lends to her lean frame. With potential for beauty, most would rather compare her with a ragamuffin for her penchant of dirt, grass and bark stains.

Mental Description: Skraele is assertive, blunt, and honest which means she's not afraid to speak her mind or try to push situations her way. She is also playful, teasing, and mischievous, but her good-hearted nature tends to align these traits well. As such, she is quick to make friends and banter with enemies. She is always eager to explore new things and places, occasionally pushing boundaries. She can be studious and prone to researching when something is freshly encountered but is quick to act on intuition, possessing optimism with a lean toward realism, given what she supposes is enough knowledge.

Biography: Skraele was given to her grandparents at young enough age for her to not remember a time before. After her father's head injury that left him not quite the same person and her mother's irresponsible parenting, her grandparents were given custody, and her parent's divorced several years later. Family relations have long been strained on all sides. Her grandparents have treated and raised her well enough but lack a parental connection. She wandered the streets of London often though stayed away from any potentially shady situations, preferring to spend most of her time in the parks.

First Instance of Magic: As an infant and toddler, she was prone to giving commands to the family cats and creating bursts of colorful light, the former suspect without confirmation. Though quickly growing out of giddy displays, she's always retained a fondness for cats.
