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Quinn Root
18 Feb 2010
Wednesfield, England
Third year, Duellist, Slytherin
30,4 cm sycamore wood and thunderbird tail feather
hey everyone!! this is very outdated, this is like my first time edititing it since I first wrote it. I higly recomend looking ar my ency for the up to date info about Quinn. more so the first 4 posts of my ency as they look the best lol
she's 4,8 in height. Shoulder hair brown in color. Her teeth are not that straight, but you can't notice it very well. And hazel eyes.

she is kinda lazy when it comes to homework, but somehow gets it in on time. She is very nice, she dose struggle starting conversations. And she's reckless. She loves her friends like family. She is a major book worm, she reads them in most of her free time. She is not a big sports fan, but she's trying to learn more about them.

her life before Hogwarts was perfect. Both her mom and dad love her a lot. She had one good friend the muggle who lived next door, raven. Raven moved away right before Hogwarts. Quinn was sad but did forget the sadness when she got her acceptance letter. Her parents did go to Hogwarts as well, her mom was a Gryffindor, dad a hufflepuff. Her parents names are Sara, and Thomas Root. Sara dose not have a job she doesn't need one. And Thomas has a job at st. Mungos.

she was five, her mom was trying to get her to eat some tuna(she hates tuna) as you can assume Quinn was not for if. As she was throwing her tantrum she made her plate with all the tuna on it vanish. Her parents were not upset and found it quite humorous.