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Hannah Ravenwood
01 Feb 2010
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
34,0 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
*all written from my ever-not-brilliant imagination ")

Physical description?
A girl with brown hazel-colored hair, blue-colored eyes, with a height of 160cm. Her hair is mid-length, the idea of cutting it into a pixie haircut crossed her mind once or twice. There are minor freckles decorating her face.
Mental Description?
She may seem very shy at first encounter but is very talkative and outgoing around her friend circle, yet she is not the most social person, one may also think she is a tad bit socially awkward. On the counter-side, she is very adventurous, and will not hesitate to stand up for a friend. But on the other side, she likes to spend the peaceful hours of the afternoon in the library with a book.
Pre-Hogwarts life?
Born from a pure-blooded family in Ireland but moved to London at the age of five, and quickly grew accustomed to the new living area. has quite a loving family. Has a rather strong Irish accent on her tongue.
First Instance of magic?
She was scolded by her mother trying to steal the jar of cookies on the top shelf, in return she accidentally broke the vase beside her. She was both scared and terrified by the action, but learned to accustom to her magic surfacing, and certainly cannot wait to attend Hogwarts at the age of eleven.