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Rosemary Featherwood
08 Sep 2009
Aberdeen, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
31,1 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
Rosemary is a 4'7,scottish girl with bright orange hair and pale ivory skin. She has dark freckles dotted over her skin. She has bright blue eyes and soft features. She is often seen wearing a soft, velvet skirt and white blouse. She has a dark red coat and beret she enjoys wearing. She usually wears a pair of black, leather boots.

Mental Description:
Rosemary is a soft spoken girl. She has a bit of a shy side and prefers talking to animals rather than people. She struggles with making friends and often hides away by herself. She loves gardening and finds it relaxing. She struggles with severe anxiety and ADHD. Gardening and her animals help her focus more and be less anxious about everything.

Rosemary love her parents dearly. She grew up in a small muggle town with her Mother, Father and grandmother. Unfortunately her grandmother was very anti-magic as well as religious and resented her son for marrying a witch. Her grandmother lives with them as Rosemary's parents were worried she would expose their secret.

Rosemary loved her grandma however found her a little overbearing at times. Once she got her magic, her grandmother wanted nothing to do with her so Rosemary turned to gardening to pass the time. She found she had a knack for it and enjoyed it immensely. She also found her love for animals in the small rabbits and birds that would visit her while she gardened. She loved talking to them as she planted as well as sneaking them into her room whenever she could. She got her first proper pet when she was 9, a small calico kitten which she named Alcea.

First Instance of Magic:
Rosemary was around 6 years old when her magic began to show. Her mother and father were unsure if she was magical at all since her father was a muggle however that quickly changed that night. Rosemary didn't even notice the vines and plants growing over her bed and forming the canopy over her until she awoke. Once she saw them, she screamed for her parents. Her mother was extremely happy and her father a little confused until he realised.

Rosemary can't actually talk to animals and have them understand. She just likes sharing her feelings with them.