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Sarah Night
Wizard born
23 Dec 2009
Crieff, Scotland
Second year, Hufflepuff
26,6 cm chestnut wood and white river monster spine
Physical Description: Sarah has long dark brown hair which is naturally straight. Her eyes are sky blue, and her complexion is a little pale, covered in light freckles on her arms. She is around 4ft6.

Mental Description: Sarah suffers with anxiety at times, and she also has social anxiety.

Biography: In Scotland, Sarah's family are a loving family who get together with the rest of their family and friends every holiday each year. Both of her parents are the care-free type of people, who hardly worry or stress about anything. This is exactly how sarah wishes to be. Her friends are supportive and caring, and those who are muggles have no idea that she is a witch. It's not like she can't trust them with the secrets, she just knows its against the rules for any muggle to know about magic. She isn't sure how her anxiety started, but part of it she thinks comes from a traumatic time in her past when she lost her grandmother.

First Instance of Magic: She has always been around magic since both of her parents are magical, and once when she got upset at another pureblood child who was being a bully, Sarah turned an object they were holding into a frog. Her emotions can still get the best of her at times, but she hasn't turned anything else since her parents taught her how to stay calm in stressful situations.