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Mariposa Meadows
30 Mar 2010
County Durham, England
Second year, Slytherin
20,8 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Mariposa has a neat and girlish appearance, With her brown freckled face and light gray eyes, and short frizzy black hair. She also were gold-rimmed glasses.

Mental Description: Mariposa is a soft-spoken and kind girl. She wants to learn everything she can. Mariposa doesn't like needless violence, she tends to observe than participate in large social gatherings. sometimes she would refer to herself as a" little lady. "
she tends to get invested in a research topic, tire out, and fall asleep in random places. This is because she did not have a “set” place to sleep. Like many only/independent children, she is used to doing things her own way. Tends to consider authority and rules guidelines, although usually, she remains within them.

Biography: Borun to a squib mother and a Muggle man, Mariposa is the only daughter and child of her parents, she was mostly raised by her mother and hardly ever saw her father. She was a kid with no friends tending to stay in and read any books that she can find. Mariposa hardly ever saw her parents, her father was always away on business trips, and the first and last time she saw him was when she was six years old. Mariposa's mother would dress her up like she was a doll.

First Instance of Magic: Paper butterflies hung from the ceiling of her bedroom and as Mariposa was sent to her room on a rainy day, she from the floor of her room wanted the rain to stop and chase butterflies, and before she knew it the paper butterflies had turned in to real butterflies.