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Colin McCoire
30 Apr 2010
Loch Meadie, Scotland
Fourth year, Writer, Broom Racer, Slytherin
25,5 cm hawthorn wood and unicorn hair
At A Glance---

Here you can read Colin's answers to a cool questionnaire that students are being asked about themselves and their lives.

Here's another sort of questionnaire that focuses on Colin's future plans for his life.

Very Basic Facts about Colin:

Vitals: top five cutest in all Hogwarts!
Relationship: heart is being given to Clair Fernandez!

Race: Werewolf
Birthday: 30 April 2010
Gender: boy
Status: Twin brother, Liam (died 1 Sept. 2022)
Height: tall, about 5ft/3 (160cm)
Build: skinny, about 5st/12 (37.2kg)
Face: narrow, heart shaped
Hair: long, very pale blond
Eyes: bright, pond scum green
Teeth: four prominent fangs
Skin: quite light, has freckles across cheeks and bridge of nose
Distinguishing birth marks: heart shaped birthmark over his heart, just to left of sternum
Other distinguishing marks: has a scar on left brown and cheek from fight in first year; has bite marks and claw marks from several skirmishes with Werewolves; some magical burns, excoriations, marks and scars all over neck, chest, abdomen, back, flanks, arms
Studies: O avg.; quite studious
Demeanour / Personality: not really loud but he makes his presence known; excitable; loving; overtly emotional
Religion: Catholic
Quirks: has been known to hunt & eat mice and rabbits (note that he has in fact learnt how to cook them); likes to sniff and taste things; keen sense of smell and hearing
Relationships: Loves girls, has lots of girl friends and acquaintances; had a minor crush in first year (Jarael, Ravenclaw); is completely in love / ultramajor crush in second and third year (Clair, Ravenclaw)
Notice him in a crowd: Colin's mane of pale blond hair sticks out (though is sometimes dyed or charmed different colours); Colin always wears a kilt; Colin almost never wears shoes (or socks); Colin likes to howl, especially for Clair!