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Amethyst Morningstar
Wizard born
02 Feb 2010
Stirling, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
28,5 cm beech wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
Hair: Dyed purple, short half shaved
Skin: Pale covered in freckles
Eyes: Ocean blue
Mental Description:
She had depression, anxiety, and ADHD

(I have all three so I know about this
She grew up in a pure-blood family in Stirling, Scotland. It's a pretty small town. Everyone knew each other. Her family had let her go to muggle school to learn the basics. Scotland is different from England. Most wizarding families interact with muggles normally. She is the youngest of her family. Her parents loved the idea of naming their kids after gems so all their names are based on gems.

  • books
  • snakes
  • the nighttime
  • music
  • muggle tech
  • yelling
  • cockroaches
  • bullies
  • her anxiety
  • not being able to use muggle tech around magic
Her family:
Mother: Angel Morningstar
Father: Luke Morningstar
Sisters: Jasmaine(20), Ruby(18), Amber(15)
brothers: Jasper(20), Spinel(19)

First Instance of Magic:
She was about 6 when she had her first accidental magic. Her family went to the Scotland wizarding zoo. She wanted to pet one of the snakes and had apparition into one of the snake's enclosures. She had hidden behind one of the rocks in it. She caused her parents to panic. Most of the people there were trying to find her. Meanwhile, she had started petting the snake and talking to it. The snake had wrapped itself around her. She had fallen asleep wrapped up in the snake's coils with the snake protecting her. It was a few hours before anyone had noticed that she was in the snake enclosure. A zookeeper had to go in and get her. The zookeeper had almost gotten bitten by the snake. She was rushed to the hospital to make sure she was okay. She was okay. She didn't even have a scratch on her.