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Donald McCollum
01 Jul 2010
Bristol, England
First year, Slytherin
35,0 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Donald is average height for an 11-year-old. He has curly black hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a pointed face with a small nose. Athletic and skinny, Donald is good at muggle sports.

Mental Description: Donald is an intelligent and diligent boy but easy to provoke. From his youth, he has been raised to hate magical folk. The irony is not lost on him that he himself has been born a wizard to a long line of a family that were celebrated witch-hunters.

Biography: The stories Donald were told growing up were about witches and wizards. They focused on the eviler stories from Herpo the Foul up to Voldemort himself. The McCollums had many famous witch-hunters in their family tree and his parents were no exception. They focused on darker witches and wizards and though tolerated most magical folk, they never could see eye to eye. His father told him the tale of what happened to his mother, killed by dark magic shortly after he was born. Ever since then, his father tried to train him how to be a hunter. A common exercise was the use of a crossbow; not only is such a weapon effective against common magical beasts, but with proper aim could penetrate a lesser protego spell. Donald would win some youth archery competitions. The dark wizard who killed his mother is still out there and Mr. McCollum was thrilled when his son got his acceptance letter into Hogwarts. Not only could his son live amongst magic and get to know and learn about them, but he would be able to utilize their own powers against them and become the greatest McCollum Witch-Hunter that ever lived.

First Instance of Magic: Donald's first magical act happened on his ninth birthday. A rude boy was teasing one of the girls and Donald looked at him with disgust. The bully's trousers flew right off of his legs, leaving him to be rather embarrassed!