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Juniper Marciel
Bristol, England
First year, Hufflepuff
28,1 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
My name is Juniper Marciel. I was born in Bristol, England, on a cool night in the summer time. I grew up in a fairly average home, with two siblings, a brother and a sister, and two very loving parents. My mother is a special education teacher, and works with children with all different backgrounds, which, I believe, helps her be an even better mother. My father works as a tech engineer, and he is very good at his job. He's the smartest person I know.
My sister is younger than I am, only six. She says that she wants to grow up to be a princess, but when I was accepted to Hogwarts, of course that changed. Now she wants to be a witch, just like her older sister. I don't mind, I think she'd be a good witch. I hope I'm a good witch.
My brother is 3, and so far all he does is make funny faces and fart a lot. It's a bit gross, but I still love him.
When I got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts, I was over the moon, so were my parents. Mum said that she had always believed in magic, and was proud that her child would learn to be a powerful witch. Dad was just excited for me to a fancy school, he's like that.
I hope to be a good witch, kind, gentle, and strong. I want to use my powers for good and bring happiness and light into the world with the use of magic. Secretly, of course. I'm very excited to meet all of my new classmates, and I'm especially excited to shop in Diagon Alley, it just sounds so neat.
Anyways, I better be off. Mum is calling me to go shopping with her, time to get my school things, wish me luck!