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Kristen Campbel
Bridgemere, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,6 cm alder wood and snallygaster heartstring
Skin Color- Light
Hair Color- Black
Eyes Color- Green (mistaken as silver at times)

Mental Description: She mainly thinks positive but not when she meets someone she doesn't wants to. She likes the people polite and unselfish. She greatly hates the people who try practicing self-harm. She does really wants to avoid short-tempered people and bad-behaved ones.

Biography: Kristen's pre-hogwarts life was enjoyable. She used to play in parks and go to school by bus. She has many friends, and gets attention almost every hour because she is the only daughter in the Campbel family. But still, sometimes it gets too much and her family starts getting over-protective at times.
She normally spends most of her time outside, because she loves the nature and it's fresh air and she is always social.
She has enemies, of course, but she handles them quite cleverly and her life is totally fine with them not surrounding her.
She enjoys her life, and she respects her life too. Her family is caring. Her mom so gentle and sweet and her dad so warm and affectionate.
Her life is just like the one you will imagine for, and she is really grateful for it.

First Instance of Magic: It happened when she was playing hide and seek with her friends.
She hid behind a big oak tree, knowing that her friends won't find her there.
She stood there for a long time, after getting a bit impatient, she made her way out.
She looked around, but saw her friends to be nowhere.
While she was moving around, absentmindedly, she didn't noticed that she was going straight towards a big and deep hole.
She walked, until she reached the hole, and stepped into it. She too noticed it, and gasped. But a miracle happened.
It seemed as if the time stopped. She stood still, even though she wasn't standing on a land, and was supposed to fall straight into the hole.
But she simply stood, in mid-air. Her heart beating so hard, what was going on?
Suddenly, she started to move. She was still frozen with shock, but it made no difference. She simply floated to the opposite side and landed on the ground.
It took by surprise for her for a few next minutes, before she spotted her friends eating ice-cream.
She instantly forgot about what just happened at that moment, and ran to join them.