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Dafydd Powell
25 Jul 2010
Neath, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
33,0 cm reed wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Dafydd is a young boy with silken porcelain skin and a lithe build having spent many years hiking and wandering the welsh countryside. His fern green eyes seem to always portray his gimlet stare at that and those he finds interesting, while his thick fiery red hair is best described as windblown due to his dislike of styling it.

Mental Description: Dafydd has never been academically gifted nor does he find interest in reading books or going to lessons, instead he cherishes the oppertunity to learn things himself, to discover new things and experience them first hand. While not academic Dafydd makes up for it with his jovial personality, always with a smile on his face and a joke or two to crack! Making people laugh is a joy held closely to Dafydd which has lead to his reputation as something of a fool with a funny accent.

Biography: Dafydd was born to a wizard mother and a squib father in the countryside of wales. While his mother was a renown potions master, his squib father spent most of his time working with and leading aspiring wizards and witches who wished to find bogarts in the welsh valleys.

As Dafydd grew up we would diligantly watch his mother's potion making as he sat on a stool next to her, it fascinated the young boy at the various processes and steps his mother took to create various potions, exlirs and salves. And yet as he grew even older he enjoyed the sights and the views that the welsh valleys had to offer as the young boy often went for walks around his family's cottage with his springer spaniel Emrys. They were peaceful years, homeschooled by his parents and left mostly to wander free so long as he was back before dark!

It was only at the age of eleven that Dafydd discovered an owl waiting for him outside his cottage and.. after stopping Emrys from trying to eat the owl, he managed to get his letter and call his mother whom surprised to see the owl also became extremely excited for her son! It was his hogwarts acceptence letter. And that is where his story begins...

First Instance of Magic: Dafydd's first instance of magic happened at the ripe age 3 years old as he was sat in his cottage's living room playing with his toys while his father slept on the couch, growing bored of playing with his toys by himself and attempting.. but failing to wake his father up, Dafydd began to throw a tantrum as he sat on the rug, crying and throwing his toys around.. yet little did he realise the toys he threw away would be magically dragged back towards him to throw again. To this day both of his parents were unaware this event ever happened.