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Bob Fillman
01 Mar 2010
London, England
First year, Slytherin
25,4 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: He has black hair which is thick and is kept in check and cut regularly. He has dark brown eyes and thick blue glasses that improve his weak sight
Mental Description: He is smart enough in his muggle school and math is his favorite subject and he can tell you that a polynomial is the sum or difference of multiple monomials. He loves learning anything that he can and is smart enough to operate different muggle devices and machines such as computers, phones, iPads, tablets, microwaves, ovens and many more things. He also loves muggle foods like frozen waffles and cookies. He is also muggle born and doesn’t know anything about magic. He knows many things about muggle things and doesn’t need to attend muggle studies

Biography:He lived in a big blue house that had everything that the family needed. He had loving parents that game him everything he needed but didn’t spoil him. He had many friends and occasionally invited other muggles over for a “play date” when he was younger. He also read many books when he was young. He was born in March of 2009

First Instance of Magic: At the age of 7, he accidentally set his assignment on fire because he was angry at how difficult it was. He didn’t know what happened and his parents thought it must have been a spark from the kitchen where he was sitting.

Me and Arshay Sivamani both have similar accounts and we are both friends who’s iPads are connected to the same networks.