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Billie Freeman
Bray, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
32,9 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Billie Freeman is a very ordinary girl. Her hair is cropped to the chin and is jet black. Billie's eyes are quite special: she has blue eyes but they are tinted with dark green which makes them look more penetrating than they really are. His nose is long and, like his cheekbones, it is often tinged with red. Her skin is very pale and soft, she has no acne at the moment. Her forehead is covered with thick bangs which cast shadow over her eyes and nose.

Characteristically, Billie is quite withdrawn. She has only one friend: her stuffed animal, Mistouf, a yellow elephant. From a distance, the girl may seem cold and unpleasant, but closer, you can discover a heart of gold and an unparalleled sensitivity. Billie is very discreet in class and her classmates often bother her about her pathological shyness.

In his family, relations are quite tense. His mother, Alystair MacFood is a muggle working in a veterinary clinic. She bears very little resemblance to her daughter; with her flamboyant red hair and hazel eyes, Alystair stands out from her dull, grumpy daughter. Billie has a more than unstable relationship with her mother who doesn't pay attention to her.
Fred Freeman, his father, is also a muggle, having studied in France, and who now works in a bank. Billie to a lot of her father; she has the same black hair, the same blue eyes, the same red nose. Billie adores her father who considers her the seventh wonder of the world.
Billie has no siblings, much to her despair.

Her magic first manifested when she was playing dice with her father. As she was crushed as always, the dice started rolling more than little Billie's weak throws would allow. His father, who was beginning to see a little more clearly in the strange behavior of the dice, had to use his vacuum cleaner to neutralize the small wooden cubes which were beginning to somersault. Her father was very surprised and somewhat horrified but he still accepted his daughter's new nature. His mother, quite the opposite of Fred, could not accept this girl even worse than she had imagined and disowned him. Initially, Billie was afraid of having these magical powers. But when young Freeman received her letter to Hogwarts on her eleventh birthday, she was more determined than ever.