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Nyx Eros Dove
14 Feb 2010
Darlington, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
25,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Full name: Nyx Eros Dove

Physical description
Nyx's appearance changes all the time. They have no one, solid appearance. However, this is how they look most often as of their first year at Hogwarts.

Nyx is thin with pale skin littered with light freckles, brown eyes, and short, light brown hair with faded pink dye-like colour. They are about 5’0 and have a petite frame. Small would be a good way to describe all their features: nose, eyes, face, hands, everything.

Mental Description
Nyx is very casual. Casually mean but also casually very kind. They will do whatever they want or will help them in some way easily and without needing any further reason. To them, anything can be justified with ‘it felt right’ or ‘I wanted to’ and they feel no need to explain themself to others.

Nyx is from a small English town. They barely interacted with anyone in the town, only their fully wizard family that lived by the outskirts. They have a few younger siblings back at home, Psyche (8), Circe (5), and Morpheus (2). Their family have a tradition of naming children after deities from Greek mythology from their mother’s(Pasiphaë) side. This got them to be very interested in the myths themself and lead to nearly everything else Nyx had done in life: read myths, paint, and prepare for Hogwarts. Their home life has always been filled with casual magic and their family is the type to be open about everything among themselves and by extension their family understood each other without need for explaination. Their life before Hogwarts was easy going, fun, and filled with dreams and plans.

First Instance of Magic
Nyx’s first instance of magic was at the age of 4. They had been playing with the plants in their mother’s garden and they’d gotten too excited. A tomato exploded all over their face and they’d burst into laughter after the first moment of shock.