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Zachary Mitchell
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,7 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Zachary Mitchell was born to Lee and Michelle Harris on June 3, 1992, in South London. He got his brown hair from her mother and blue eyes from his father. His sharp jaw and physique follow from his athletic activity in gymnastics and his ready to fight attitude from protecting his emotions and his mother's. His caring nature started at a young age when he had to look over his mother after the death of his father. His father was in the army trying to make the world a better and safer place for his family and everyone in the world. In 1997, Lee was in the Middle East with his group trying to crack a case. They ended up capturing and interrogating a man who they believe is behind the bombings. Harry Hart, the leader of the mission, does not notice that the man has a grenade, but Lee does. He jumps onto the man, saving the others in the room, but dies in the process. Harry Hart visits the Mitchells after Lee's death, and gives Mrs.Mitchell a Medal of Valor, awarded to Lee posthumously. She refuses to take it, ignoring the help offered, just wanting to be with her husband. Harry then proceeds to walk over to Zach, giving her the Medal instead, telling him to take care of the medal and his mom. He followed what Harry said and did all he could to support his mom and himself. He was first prize Regional Gymnastics under 10, 2 years in a row and the coach had him pegged as Olympic team material. He also did very well in Primary School, with fantastic grades and a very high IQ. However, when his mother began dating Dean, who abused both her and Zach, he quit gymnastics and began to get C's in school. His life fell apart and he was sent to jail a few times. All he wanted to do was help his little sister, who was only a baby, and his mother. He got his letter when he had just turned eleven, obviously confused and wanting to know how it was that he became a wizard. He realized that the little accidents he made as a child were because of this. Now he is ready to go into a new life that he never knew was part of.