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Cloudy Bigwolf
14 Jan 2010
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,9 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Cloudy has strawberry blonde hair that is as long as her waist, normally she has it hung up in a ponytail. Her eyes are pale bluish green, like the sea. Cloudy has taller than average for her age, being 160cm. She is modest for her age, and looks moderately pretty. Cute suits her well.

Mental Description: Cloudy is mostly quiet. She doesn't like to talk too much about herself, and she believes in the beauty of intelligence. She enjoys mentally stimulating activities such as chess and reading/writing, and she also has an unexpected competitive streak.
Words that can describe Cloudy are free and realistic. Cloudy plans to cut her blonde hair into short and to dye it green and blue, her favorite colors when she goes to Hogwarts. She hasn't seen anything about a dresscode here, and she plans to wear darker themed clothes, as her parents cannot do anything about it at Hogwarts.
Without romantic fantasy, Cloudy has a somewhat negative outlook on the future and on the people around her. She is not someone to mess with. She is especially looking forward to Potions classes at Hogwarts.

Biography: Cloudy's mother is a witch, though she is away most of the time, she treats Cloudy well when she is around. A free and cheery soul, also terrifyingly good at Quidditch, she is English, but moved to Asia where she met Cloudy's father.
Cloudy's muggle father is comparitively more laid back and quiet. He was born in Korea and makes decent money as the owner of a small company, he has an extremely sharp mind that Cloudy is quite proud of. Cloudy takes on the aspects of both her mother and father, her looks taking on her mother but her personality resembling her father. She has an older sister, named Tetian, and they have a three year gap. For the sake of their children's education, Cloudy's family moved to England five years ago, and Tetian is currently attending Hogwarts. Cloudy is excited (and exasperated) to go to the same school as her sister.

First Instance of Magic: Since Cloudy was raised with a witch as a mother, she has seen her mother use magic all her life, from cooking and washing the dishes to things more extreme, such as allowing Cloudy to fly with her on a broomstick.
As a result, magic was very familiar to Cloudy. It was based on her emotions, she found, whenever she was happy or sad or angry, something tended to happen. Her mother told her that it was normal- it meant she was going to be a witch when she grew older, so Cloudy thought nothing of it.
The first time it happened was when she was five. Her favorite notebook, which had accidentally gotten wet, was somehow dried in the span of one afternoon. When she was seven, and her pet queen ant died, Cloudy flooded the toilet while crying in her room. She also once set the kitchen on fire. When she was eight, she accidentally ripped up her school textbook in a fit of anger.
Learning that her emotions must be the cause for the strange phenomena, Cloudy started to control her emotions- she would sometimes make herself angry or depressed just for the sake of using magic, and though there were very mixed results, Cloudy was surprisingly successful a lot of the time.
After being reprimended by her father however, Cloudy stopped her experiments, and have been obediently waiting for her invitation to Hogwarts.