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Alizon Thezero
13 Jun 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,7 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
About the Author
Hey there, My names Rae and I’m new to this site so learning how everything works here. I’m 23, and a Ravenclaw in Pottermore. I’m looking forward to seeing what direction my character Alizon takes in this life.

Name Pronunciation:
Al-ah-zin Tha-Zare-oh

June 13, 2008

Zodiac Sign

Favorite Color

Favorite Music

Favorite Animal

Physical Description:

A petite young girl with platinum blonde hair, and pale gray/blue eyes with a far away gaze. Her ivory skin best compliments with darker colors, or pastels. Outside her uniform she tends to wear casual sweaters, tall black socks and ripped jeans. Unless her mother requires her to wear a skirt or plaid dress.

Her hair is normally worn loose, and allowed to run wild falling in waves pass her shoulders. She does brush it first thing in the morning but it doesn’t take much to tangle, especially when she goes gallivanting through the forest near her home. It is not uncommon for there to be pieces of brush caught in her hair Or small scrapes and bruises she hides from her mother. She has one small scar on her knee from falling in the forest two years ago and banging it on a sharp rock. She hid the cut from her mother, thus avoiding any magical healing.

Mental Description:

Eleven year old Alizon Thezero is an adventurous, witty, quick thinking and free flowing individual. She can be quite stubborn, and hot tempered when faced with circumstances she finds unjust or unfair. An introvert by nature, she is often found spending a large amount of time outdoors exploring.

Naturally rebellious, she tends to act against her parents wishes, and has grown to be quite sneaky, and a top notch liar. Though, she chooses not to lie except to her parents about her where abouts, and what she spends her days doing. To them, she is going to be a diligent student, when in actuality she tends to daydream often and loses interest in lectures. Alizon would much rather live in her fantasies than face the reality she has found herself in.

Because of this she struggles making, and maintaining friendships. She often feels like the black sheep of friend groups. Always on the outside constantly misunderstood and judged in her humor or way of speaking by her peers. She has a unique mind, and way of seeing the world that her elders have claimed makes her an old soul.

Due to her solitary lifestyle Alizon often speaks to herself when alone, and enjoys spending time in the forest to think deeply on whatever subject has peaked her interest. She loves nature, and animals more than most people though she longs for a real friendship and hopes to find someone that she can form a true bond with at Hogwarts.

(Her personality will develop and change as she gets older.)


Born to Thale S. Thezero, and Rowena L. Martyn. Both born of slightly renowned pure blood which has placed much hope for success and a load of responsibility on Alizons shoulders. Her fathers personal goal that he continuously forces upon Alizon is for her to one day become Minister of magic. Her mother harbors her own hopes for Alizon but mainly she just wishes for her daughter to be happy. Maybe own a shop of her own someday, or marry into a profitable family.

For a time her family was happy. Peaceful, and full of smiles. However, something changed within the dynamic between her mother and father. Late night arguments. Dinner without her father present, and her mother secretly crying in their bedroom. Something was amiss, but Alizon was too young at the time to understand what was happening.

Her father came from a strong line of successful Slytherins. While her mother came from a Griffindor father, and Hufflepuff mother. Her mother’s family has always been supportive of muggle borns attending Hogwarts, and existing within the wizarding world. Unfortunately, her fathers side of the family did not agree with this. They believed that Muggle borns had no business in this world, and were a disgrace to wizarding kind. An embarrassment. To Thales “shame” certain family members before him once served as death eaters. Thale of course did not.

However, it would seem that some disdain for muggle borns existed within Thale which was not revealed up until Rowena befriended a muggle woman who had a muggle born son around Alizons age. Rowena recalled the way Thale spoke to the woman which to anyone else came off as Courteous. However, Rowena could spot the subtle hints of disgust which laced in her husbands voice when he spoke of the woman, or simply stared at her child whom came to visit them in their home twice.

Being a rather blunt woman Rowena did not hold back about her suspicions with her husband. Each time it was brought to light Thale would deny and gaslight his wife which only made her furious. Finally, during one argument the truth was revealed. Thale blurted out his disgust, and how he aligned with some of his fathers outlook. Rowenas image of her husband was shattered, and their relationship began to crumble more and more with each passing day. Eventually this lead to their divorce.

The divorce wasn’t tough for Alizon who still got to see her father weekly. He had moved only a few miles from their forest home and came to visit her not once being late. He loved her, but his encounters with her mother are often cold, and brief though he mother did try to be kind for Alizons sake.

Recently, Thale has been around less and less which has been causing some behavioral issues for Alizon. Issues which are just beginning to unfold...

The Sorting Hat:

When Alizon walked up to the sorting hat she felt a slight unease. She desired more than anything to share in her mothers experience as a Ravenclaw, or perhaps even follow her fathers footsteps in Slytherin, but in truth. The idea of Slytherin never felt quite right to her...When the hat announced "Gryffindor!" Alizon felt a mixture of excitement, and nerves. It would seem that Alizon would follow in her Grandfathers footsteps, and hopefully this house would come to accept her as their own.

First Instance of Magic:

When Alizons mother Rowena first divorced her father, she was found in tears in their kitchen. Alizons desperate feelings to comfort her mother manifested in the form of flowers sprouting all over the room, and the roses which were left to wilt were brought to life once more.

Magic she would like to learn:
Animagi - To form into an animal and back at will
