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Trix DeLuca
23 Nov 2009
Dublin, Ireland
Second year, Hufflepuff
28,8 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Trix is a short 11 year old that has green eyes and red hair. They are about 4'5", and has a slight overbite. They have a peppering of freckles across their nose and can often be found smiling. They wear glasses so they can see.

Mental Description: Trix is very kind. Everything they do. they try to harm no one. It is really important to them that law and order is kept up, often talking about the injustices in the world. But although they can be very spacey, they try their hardest to pay attention and do well in school. It is often difficult, however, for them to concentrate for long periods of time, making note taking difficult and monotonous.

Biography:Trix was born on November 23, 2009 to Patrick and Sasha DeLuca in Dublin, Ireland. This muggle couple loved their child with the strength of a hurricane, and took great pride in Trixie that did nothing but grow as they blossomed into a toddler.

When they were 7, they were being tucked in by their mom and dad, as they did every night, but this night Trix was feeling very scared of the dark, having watched a movie that was moderately scary for them. After their mom and dad tucked them in and shut the door for the night, they found her in their bed, waiting for them to go to bed. This freaked out their parents, not seeing a way for that to have happened normally. They were so spooked, they didn't even make Trix go back to their room. They let them sleep between them, afraid that they would, without a lack of a better term, teleport again.

It was about that time that another odd thing began happening. Trix learned that, with a little effort, they could change their eyes from blue to green. It wasnt much, and knowing that it would scare their parents, they didn't bring it up, but they continued to pracitice this effort and kept it a secret from everyone. People already thought they were weird, best not to fuel the fire.

When they were school-aged, they went to a primary school close to their house. Even though they didn't quite fit in, they grew to be a truly kind and gentle person. They made a few friends, but never truly clicked with anyone. Everyone saw them as the weird one that often talked to themselves.

It was a huge deal when the Hogwarts administrator came and told their parents about the school. Everything fell into place; their parents didn't even question the strange man. They new their child was special, but now they had a reason. Their child was a wix and they were going to learn about magic at the greatest school of magic ever, Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: On a rainy Tuesday night in May when Trix was seven years old, they were being tucked in by their parents, as they do every night. However, this night, Trix had stayed up late with her family watching Coraline. For some reason, this movie really got under Trix's skin and they were severely creeped out by the "Other Mother" coming and getting her. Patrick and Sasha reasured their child, but nothing was calming them down.

Trying to be stern but fair, the adults plugged in a nightlight, switched off the lights, and closed the door to their little one's bedroom. They tried to calm down and not be so scared, so they put the covers over their head and closed their eyes. Next thing they knew they were in their parents bed and not even a second later, their mom and dad walked in. They pulled the cover from over their head and smiled sheepishly.

Their parents, however, were dumbfounded. They asked them a whole lot of questions, like how they got there so fast and How did you do that? Their parents, now nervous for their child, let them sleep with them that night. They didn't speak of the event again, as it was scary for the whole family.
