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Eire Cross
Wizard born
17 Feb 2010
Runcorn, England
First year, Slytherin
28,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: I have dark blue eyes and medium-length blond hair. I often dye parts of my hair various colours. I usually dress in eye-catching, intense colours. I often wear accessories, like hair pins or bracelets.

Mental Description: I usually have a cheerful disposition. I try to stand out from the crowd. I can be reckless and not think my actions through. This tends to get me into trouble. People who are full of themselves annoy me. I am very enthusiastic about things I enjoy. I am very honest and direct. I can be rather awkward around people I don't know well. I want other people to like me.

Biography: I grew up in the shadows of my older sister. Amelia, five years older, was a young witch prodigy, always got top grades in every class. Due to that, my parents had very high expectations of me, ones that I was never able to fulfil.
Since my parents devoted most of their attention to Amelia, I spent most of my time hanging out in the Muggle village that we lived in. I tried making some friends with the local children, but since I did not attend school with them, I was particularly close to them.

First Instance of Magic:

I had taken some of my sister's old textbooks and was trying to cast some of the beginner spells described there. Unsurprisingly, I failed. Frustrated, I threw the book away, only to find it floating in the air. I was very excited about that event and tried to many times later, but it did not work.