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Una MacLeod
29 Sep 2009
Perth, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
32,5 cm elder wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: She has thick-ish light brown hair, with green eyes. She is very tall for her age, as well as being reasonably thin, while still having an average amount of muscle mass. She does have a small scar on her arm from skateboarding. Her jaw is a square shape, and her teeth are just meh, not great, not bad. Her hair part goes to the left.

Mental Description: Empathetic+Courageous+Not shy, just doesn't speak when she doesn't have anything intellectual to say+Dependable+Pessimistic+Morbid+Worrier+Insecure

Biography: Born and raised in Perth, Scotland by a family of very religious muggles. The middle child in a family of five children, her siblings include, in order from oldest to youngest, Seamus, Skyler, Herself, Duncan, and Eilidh. She lived in a brick two-story house. She shared a room with her fellow female siblings. Before Hogwarts, she was always getting in trouble at school, and probably will continue that streak at Hogwarts. When she was about seven, Seamus, Skyler, and she, got into skateboarding, which resulted in a number of hospital visits for all three. She likes to listen to music before her time, since it's the only thing in the house, like The Beatles, Steve Miller Band (Etc.) Her siblings and her also have a very active imagination. Once she got her letter, her parents didn't believe her, it took months of convincing that she wasn't tricking them, or working with the devil. They eventually let her go, and still love her the same, just a little skeptical.

First Instance of Magic: When she first got into skateboarding she fell, a lot. But one day she was learning on a steep hill, which would be difficult to stop on when going high speeds. The street was also very busy that day. She accidentally spun out of control and a truck was speeding straight towards her. She closed her eyes, and...thud. She opened her eyes again and there she was. Still intact, in fact the car had more damage done to it. She figured it was nothing, and ran off.