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Rhiannon Vervain
08 Dec 2009
Oxford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,7 cm blackthorn wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: She has blonde hair flowing in layers. She has green eyes glimmering with hope and kindness. She stands quite tall for her age and is quite slender as well. She often has dirt under her nails, from all of her garden work. She wears loads of jewelry, some of them heirlooms.

Mental Description: Rhiannon is nice and friendly, she believes in peace of all kind. She is very interested in magical creatures, herbs and plants. She spends a lot of free time reading and studying subjects which spark her interests. When she's at home she'll spend a lot of time in the kitchen with both of her parents. She always has a little pouch of herbs which have different properties, just in case something might go wrong.

Biography: Rhiannon is an only child. She grew up in a beautiful house surrounded by plants and magical creatures. Her parents were very focused on her being educated on many subjects. Therefore they taught her almost everything they could. Her mother would teach her about magical herbs and their properties, and her father would tell her all about their creatures.

First Instance of Magic: Rhiannon has always known of magic, she has just always been waiting for it to happen to her as well. Her first instance of magic was when she was 7 years old, she couldn't reach a book, all of sudden it levitated. That's when she knew.