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Peter Maurice
05 Feb 2010
Winton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm spruce wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
An Average looking individual from Indian descent with larger than average facial features. Maintains a skinny frame also while possessing wide shoulders, weighing a clean average of 36 kg and is around 1.4 metres (4'7" feet) tall.

Mental Description:
Because of his Indian descent and upbringing, he has a somewhat rigid personality when it comes to socializing with other people, but is willing to put major effort when it comes to anything relating to academic progress and pursuit. He also has a deep-rooted fear of authoritative figures, and his parents.

Peter's parents used to live in a small fishing town within Tamilnadu, India, and through much effort, they managed to move out to the UK where they had 3 children. Peter's Older Brother Jackson, Older Sister Petra, and Him.

Now, the reason for the weird naming convention even though their Indian was mainly due to the fact that his parents wanted to start anew with new identities, and they felt that by giving their children more westernized names they would fit in a lot better.

This ideology never worked though, cause they were still frowned upon wherever they went due to their ethnicity. But eventually, they were able to find establish their footing within their local community, by opening up a small restaurant, which soon exploded in popularity cause of the new smells and tastes it brought to people.

This popularity also brought downsides for Peter, as his parents thought that the influx of money would spoil they're children. So, they decided to have their kids work in the kitchen whenever possible, this meant that Peter never really got to socialize with kids his age, and was stuck either in the kitchen doing menial tasks or at home studying something from school that his parents forced him to do.

First Instance of Magic:
While Peter was working/playing around in the restaurant kitchen, he decided to stupidly start one of the many stoves to play with the fire, at which point lead him to curiously touch the high flame. But surprisingly enough, his hand remained unscathed, the fire felt almost cool to the touch.

This prompted even more "testing" by trying to act as a Fire-Bender from one of the shows his brother used to watch. Unluckily, his mother managed to walk in to find her son playing with the fire using his bare hands, which swiftly prompted panic from her.

But after realizing that the fire had done nothing to Peter, she quietly tucked Peter back into the house away from the people who would find out about him and start doing wild experiments on him. This fear was further accelerated when Hogwarts had sent a letter of admission, which was quelled as quick as it came up when she realized it looked somewhat legit. (which doesn't bode well)