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Lillian Locile
02 Feb 2010
London, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
32,5 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:
Lillian has light blonde hair that she keeps in a ponytail, and medium blue eyes. She has fair skin and freckles across her cheeks and nose. She always wears a black choker with a silver heart dangle. Lillian never wears makeup. She is a little bit shorter than the average female her age, at 54 inches, and she weighs 75 lbs.

Mental Description:
Lillian is very shy, she will never be the first one to initiate a conversation (unless forced to), and the first few times she meets a person, she will often mumble her words and avoid eye contact. When she becomes more comfortable with whoever she is talking to, she will have no problem speaking at a louder volume and making eye contact. She always wears a black choker with a silver heart dangle, Lillian’s mom always wore this before she died. Lillian will play with the dangle whenever she gets nervous. Lillian likes to learn new things, and she likes to draw. Her favorite thing to draw is people, and if she works on a drawing for a few days, she can add enough detail to make the drawing look like a photograph. Lillian also likes to sing, her favorite songs to sing are musicals.

Lillian was born on February 2nd, at 2:37 a.m. in London, England. Lillian is a muggle-born witch, her mom died when Lillian was 6 years old in a car crash, and ever since then Lillian’s father has raised her. Lillian’s father’s name is Peter Locile, and he works as a middle school teacher. He is a very kind man and a extrovert, and he loves his daughter very much. He always helps Lillian whenever she is struggling with her homework and makes sure that she studies for all her tests. Lillian attended public school before she got to Hogwarts, and she was never popular as people considered her a teacher’s pet. She had one best friend, a boy named Micheal. Micheal has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, and would always stand up for Lillian when someone was picking on her. Unfortunately, he is not magical, so he does not attend Hogwarts. Lillian and her father are lower-middle class and live in an apartment building.

First Instance of Magic:
Lillian’s first instance of accidental magic was when she was 8. There were 2 boys who were trying to start a fight with Micheal, the boys were insulting him and started to shove him. When they saw that Micheal just ignored them, one of the boys punched him, Micheal turned around to punch the boy back, but Lillian ran between them and yelled “STOP!” She closed her eyes as she yelled this, afraid they would punch her, but after a few seconds of nothing happening, she opened her eyes to see the boys frozen in place. She blinked and they unfroze, they seemed dazed for a few seconds before they ran away from her and Michael. No one else in the halls seemed to notice that they were frozen, they just laughed at the boys and joked about how they were scared of a little girl. Lillian was confused on what happened but eventually convinced herself that her yell had made the boys scared that a teacher would be coming. The boys never bothered Micheal again and no one ever questioned Lillian about that day.