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Ella Mzay
13 Mar 2010
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
24,7 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
short brown hair, glasses, hazel eyes, cottagecore aesthetic.
Ella Mzay is a muggle-born female who has great enthusiasm for learning and nature. Favourite prospects of the wizarding world, mythical creatures and exploring magic.
She has grown up in London with her parents William and Mary.
Her parents are muggle bakers.
Ella spent most of her childhood dreaming of adventure and when her letter arrived in the post she was beyond thrilled and thrilled at the chance she had waited for. Ella had been homeschooled by her mother all her life, the local library was her classroom, so this was a completely new experience. Her parents were gobsmacked that their daughter was a witch. On Ella's first visit to Diagon alley, she was enthralled by all the magic and wonder. She bought all her books and dived straight into them back in her room.
Ella is a highly religious Christian so as soon as she found out she was a witch she was so happy and she praised and thanked God for the gift.
Ella had always been rather pretty but never acknowledged it she only truly twigged when she joined on the hogwarts express when boys and girls stopped and gaped.

Ella's first experience of magic was in a park she was visiting with her mother and father, she was 4 at the time, she was so upset that one of the plants had wilted she went over to touch it and as soon as her finger touched the brown leaf the plant bloomed into its prime. Ella was amazed and confused, her parents just ushered her back onto a train muttering things about natural phenomenons.