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Fern Rivers-Jones
30 Nov 2010
Hampshire, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,0 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Fern is a 5 foot 3 girl. She weighs about 85 pounds. She has bright teeth nand is in the middle age amount such as "Middle Age Puberty" She has Auburn Hair and A huge smile. Her eyes are Light Blue on the left and Amber on the right. Yes she was born this way. Her freckles go across her nose and she has abnormally small ears. She can be hard of hearing she wears no hearing aid, but she can use and understand sign language. She is Muggle Born


Mental Description: She is decently mentally stable. She is very suspicious around people she hasn't known for a long time. If she doesn't know someone she will just nod, but won't talk until she knows them and has Panic Attacks but otherwise she'll be fine.


Personality She is incredibly, Kind, Loyal, Trustworthy, but she will get into mischief if she must for the greater good. If she is in trouble she will always save others before herself. She may be shy, but if she must she will break out of her shell to help other people.


Biography: She was born on November 30 2010. Her Mother Died when she was 7 and her father left her. She was adopted by a witch and her wife. she was at first no liking her new family, but now she loves and never wants to leave them


First Instance of Magic: When she was turning 10 on her birthday she woke up and the cake she had made with her mom was chocolate instead of vanilla. She Never wanted chocolate. She was fine with vanilla, but when she woke up that morning with a neon blue streak in her hair and she came downstairs and her cake was chocolate.


Fern Rivers-Jones