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Gwendolyn Harmon
27 Mar 2009
London, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
30,6 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Gwendolyn has long blonde hair that she mostly wears up in a high messy ponytail or a bun. She also has glasses that she only wears if she is working on something (can't see things that are close to her without her glasses). She also had gorgeous bright green eyes that sparkled when any type of light hits them.

Mental Description: At first, Gwen is a very shy girl who will not talk to anyone. This comes from not having many friends and being alone most of her life. She is what you would call a 'goody-two-shoes' type girl because she does not like to break rules. However, once you get to know her and become friends with her, you will see that she is actually a very bubbly girl with an amazing personality and smile. You will also see that she is lonely and in need of family and friends.

Biography: Gwen doesn't remember much of her parents. The last memory she really had of them was when she was four. Yet that memory was kinda foggy. What she remembered was someone holding her hand and walking her up to a huge building then leaving her on the steps. That building was a group home that Gwen ended up staying in for the rest of her life. Someone had just left her at a group home with no name, all alone. Lucky for her though, the workers of the group home took her in and named her, and then raised her. The workers always told Gwen that she would be adopted because she was so pretty but Gwen never was. She watched as all her friends kept getting adopted while she stayed and got older. She soon gave up hope on finding a family or finding he real family

First Instance of Magic: Over her life, Gwendolyn had many instances where she showed that she was magical, however, most of the time the workers would dismiss it as an act from god. In a muggle group home, that was the only explanation for it. The first instance that Gwendolyn remembers was when she was about 10. She had just found out that one of her friends was getting adopted and she would be on her own agian. She was so upset that the lights in her room began to flicker and then stuff started to float in the air.